Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Nutcracker

Over the holidays my hubby surprised us by taking the family to see The Nutcracker.  He put so much thought into the evening.  As I was getting ready he brought me in a necklace and earrings to wear with my outfit that he had picked out and purchased for me.  He did great, I like them both.  He also made dinner  reservations for us at PF Changs for after the show.  Even though we had 3 seats I was able to stand up and over on the side for the performance due to my back and not being able to sit for more than 30 minutes.  It worked out great. The dancers were so graceful and the sets were amazing.  We thoroughly enjoyed it.  Emily even saw her BFF and we were able to snap a few pictures of them together.  After the performance they had goody bags for the kiddos which consisted of chocolate milk and cookies.  Emily is now confident that she wants to be a princess and a ballerina. :)

Thank you honey for a wonderful time and the happy memories! We love you!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Twas the night before....

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse...the stockings were all hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Saint Nicholas would soon be there!
stockings all hung..the furbabies, Emily, mommy and daddy's

cookies and milk for Santa

Emily all snug in her bed while the elves dash around "working"

mommy and daddy happy and thankful

One of my favorite parts about Christmas Eve is going to church with my family.  For me personally it touches my heart in such a way that I feel so full of love and thankfulness.  While decorating a Christmas tree is fun, baking is fun, buying and making gifts for family and friends is fun I am grateful that long, long ago God sent His one and only son Jesus not only for me but for every single one of us.  If you have not ever read the Christmas Story you should, it is amazing.  My heart goes out to anyone who for this holiday season may not know the joy and love of Jesus, family and friends. We may not know who you are or what exactly your circumstances are but we are praying for you.  Jesus really does love you!

Wishing you all a very Merry and blessed Christmas.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

When the moon hits your eye

"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, thats amore"

Ok, I admit it we are pizza lovers, must be those carbs! :)  So of course we all were very excited when Papa M's came out with the "Mini Murphy". As Emily would say "it's just my size" and she has so much fun putting it all together.  Funny how simple things with a four year old turn out to be the some of the most fun things!

Ta Da !

Monday, December 5, 2011

Baby Love

Miss Emily has approximately 10 babies that she loves up daily.  She is a busy momma with all the feeding, rocking, changing diapers and taking her girls for a stroll.  I love watching her interact with each of them.  She seems to really have a heart for babies both pretend and the real deal.  Here are few of her favorites out on a stroll.  They are from left to right: Baby Kai, Ling Ling, Lou Lou and Baby Emma. 

And while on the subject of babies we moved up one spot today! Woohoo! We are now #24 officially & #13 unofficially.  I hope more baby girl referrals are on their way as movement has been so slow lately.  Please add that to your Christmas lists. :)

Me and my baby girls

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Let It Snow, Let Him Reign

"Let It Snow, Let Him Reign" the given theme for the Christmas Tea

Today was a special day for me. I was able to go to the Christmas Tea that our womens ministry at church puts on each year. Ladies from our church sign up to host a table of seven and provide the tea set along with decorating their table in a festive manner. This year there were 30+ tables. A local high school choir provided caroling as we meandered around the room looking at all the beautiful tables. We then opened up with some awesome worship music, a choreorgraphed dance, light lunch and our guest speaker spoke.

Did you know that each snowflake is created uniquely and wonderous? That no two are alike? The analogy given covered multiple ways that snow is like Jesus. First just as snow can blanket the drab and dreary landscape and make it beautiful again so can Jesus do that with each of us. He can take our hurts and our sins and bind them up. He can heal those places in our heart that ache and fill them with His love. He is a God of restoration; He can make beauty from ashes.

Just as snow is beautiful so is each person, both inwardly and outwardly. This is a tough one for many of us to remember let alone believe. Yet we are created in His image and this is how God sees each of us. I will say it again YOU are beautiful.

This brings me to the next point. Snowballs. So while each individual snowflake is amazing you can't make a snowball with only one snowflake. We are created for fellowship. Ladies we need each other. Unfortunately todays society tends to have women view other women as the enemy when in reality that is a lie. In my moms day for example women got together for crafts, canning, babysitting swaps, chatting over a beverage. I believe that there are women right now who would love to have someone to share their hearts with, that could use some encouragement or maybe just making a new friend. Not to mention that while our hubbys may be great listeners they will never truly be able to understand a womens heart. That is why I believe God gave us girlfriends. My hope is that we will reach out a bit more to one another even if it's only one small step at a time.

There was so much more said that was thought provoking and rich however I am at a loss for putting it into words right now. 

Thank you to my friends who met up with me at the tea, you bless me and I had a wonderful time.

Our table that Amber graciously hosted, beautiful!
Isn't this like a winter wonderland
Mary,Me, Debb and Amber

 Asian inspired

For God so loved the world...

Monday, November 14, 2011


Well I am indeed a wee bit behind in my posts. Yikes! Anyhoo, here are some sweet pictures of Emily at her BFF's 4th birthday party. I love the pure joy on her face, she was having so much fun celebrating with her little friend.

I pray that each of us rejoice with childlike joy in the little things of life :)

Ps..while I have been "away" it seems that blogger has changed and I need to learn how to get my pictures below the text... on the other hand I suppose it is the pictures and not the text you all come here :) LOL

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Miss Emily loves playing "hair" as she calls it. I was happily being her guinea pig and when I asked if I had enough bows she replied "one more momma, one more"!

Hope you all had a great weekend,


Sunday, October 9, 2011


What a fun evening!  One of Emilys little classmates had a pirate birthday party at Camels Back Park.  His momma and daddy dressed up accordingly...her as wench and he as Johnny Sparrow.  Most of the kiddos had on some type of pirate get up.  I need to make a mental note to self for themed parties dressing up is great fun.  Anyway a lot of thought went into this; they offered pulled pork, beans, salad etc, there was a treasure map that directed the kiddos to different locations around the park and at each spot they were given a little treasure with the real bounty being found at the end.  The first spot they had a choice of either a skull/crossbones scarf for the head or a crispy creme style pirate hat, from there it was onto trying to scoop a "snake" out of some blue goo, than up, up and up the hill and back down to get your hook, from there they ventured to a spot where they rec'd their eye patch, each time all the kids waited in anticipation on what the next treasure would be! The treasure box was filled with loot such as necklaces, gold gumballs, taffy, chocolate coins and rings.  Each little pirate could put 5 things into their goody bag, Miss Emily chose well.  She opted for 5 gold gumballs. She thought it was really funny because at first daddy thought they were bouncy balls. :)  Happy 5th birthday "J". Thanks for having us...Arrrrrrr......

Hmmmm...not quite sure about being a pirate just yet

Getting my own snake, a rare purple snake

Wait for me mateys....

Oh, ah.....The Motherlode

One of the worlds cutest pirates, Arrrrrr......

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Re-Adoption Day

A special day for us.  Our daugther was placed in our arms forever on February 22 and although she became a US citizen upon our arrival in San Franscisco our state does not require you to re-adopt your child once home. As we moved along with our second adoption and started getting all of our ducks in a row or at least trying to we realized that it would be better to have a US birth certificate when we applied for her passport.  The other really special thing is that both my husband and I will be listed as her parents on her US birth certificate.  She was in our hearts long before we knew her or even held her so in reality this is more of a formality but none the less a special event!  We went out to delicious Chinese food afterwards to celebrate, it was a fun day. :)

Daddy and Emily

Mommy and Emily

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Trying to catch up with all the happenings for September!

September was a busy month for us.  Besides it being a month to harvest our garden, can, freeze etc we had our wedding annivesary and my birthday. 
This year we celebrated our 7th year of being married.  In Hebrew, seven ([b'v, - Sheh-bah) is from the root word meaning to be complete or full.  I really do feel full with the richness of being blessed with such a kind, gentle and loving man.  The path has not always been easy, there have been seasons of hurt and disappointments however the joy and love we share trumps the sorrow any day. 
We really didn't know what we were going to do for this anniversary due to my limitations.  The day before I gave Rick some goodies for the Fun Run he entered, I loved that he was surprised.  That evening we opted for a quaint and quick dinner at The Brick Oven Bistro, a stop at REI, and home.  Once home we said good bye to the sitter, we put Emily to bed and watched a movie.  It was pretty low key.  On our anniversary we went to church and afterwards Rick and Emily surprised me with some special treats too.  And while we didn't do anything extravagent I am content.  I am blessed to have a great husband and a family that loves me.
Love to each of you...
Happy 7th

Opening presents with my little helper

One of my favorites 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How is it possible...

Do you remember the days when you got SO excited for your birthday? For me personally, not so much anymore.  I really enjoy celebrating family and friends birthdays and doing fun things however the closer I approach, gasp, the "BIG 5-0" the more I recoil at the thought of another birthday.  Where has all the time gone? And there is something about having children that just seems to accelerate the time too.
Yet I do count my blessings for having love around me.  I am also thankful for each day that is given to me as well.  My life is full and I wouldn't trade any of it.  I am reaching a point in my life where there is more peace.  And truthfully I am a late bloomer because if I hadn't had some of the life experiences that I have had I'm not so sure I would be saying this.  Not one bit of heartache or tears shed have gone to waste, the Lord truly has made beauty from ashes.  I pray that each of you see your life and circumstances as a blessing as well and that your heart is full of peace and joy. 
Enjoy the pics....Most of my birthday was spent on the coach due to my limitations with the herniated disc however we did get out of the house for ice cream. Yummy! Didn't bring the camera though.  My dad stopped by later in the night, I recieved birthday wishes from the rest of our family, our grandparents took us to Chinese food earlier in the week and friends left great messages.  And last but not least God bless my hubby who canned 17 quarts of peaches for me since I couldn't. :) 

Story time with Grandpa Russ

Grandpa Russ, Poncho and Emily enjoying "Beatrix Potter"

Ugh! Another birthday!!

My sweetie canning the peaches for me!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Good times...

It has been so fun watching Emily start pre school, taking swim lessons and most recently she began AWANA's.   Each time a little milestone is met, a verse memorized, a picture is brought home or she glances over to make sure we saw her turn swimming melts this momma's heart.  She is really blossoming and growing.  She is learning about sharing, waiting her turn to speak which is a hard one when you are so excited and have a lot to say, and making new friends.  Other things that happen during her day open the door to discussions about being "different", how some kiddos in her class are "better" listeners and she wants to be like them which in turn leads me to try to impress on her heart that as long as she is always giving it her best that is enough.  Being a good listener is a skill and it takes time. That being different is great, God made each of us unique and special we are all one of a kind. Then we talk about how in life there are going to be times when others will be better at things, which is ok.  Which leads to topics on being prideful.  And all of this could be in one conversation while she rides her bike and I walk the dogs.  Yet I pray that these doors and lines of communication will always be open between us.  I pray that she will always feel like her heart and sharing is safe with me.  And no, not all topics will be blogged about.  :)  Our Miss Emily is passionate, strong, kind and an amazing prayer warrior for many.  Oh, how I love my "baby girl".

Ok, back to AWANA'S ... During week 2 Miss Emily earned her "Cubbie" vest and workbook.  Awards night was awesome.  Seeing all the little kiddos going up when their name was called and slipping on their little vests was priceless. For anyone who doesn't have AWANA's in their area it is a 2 hour fun night for kiddos ages 4 up to 6th grade where through games and activities they learn more about the word of God.  It helps parents to nuture their spiritual walk.  They have fun theme nights, a derby car race, grandparents night and much more.  Throughout the year as they reach different milestones they earn little patches for their Cubbie vest.  They have names for the different age groups so for the next 2 years she will be a "Cubbie".   Here are some pics from the first awards night.  Enjoy and blessings to each of you!

Being called up for her Cubbie vest and book

Yea! I did it....

Look mom & dad

More little "Cubbies"

What a FUN night!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day trip to Purdums

On Sunday after church and naps we decided to take a little drive to Fruitland, Idaho which is about 45 minutes to an hour outside of Boise. We were told by friends about a really great fruit/veggie stand there. Kind of long drive for my back however it was sort of a "test" drive for me so I could see how well I would do.  We were not disappointed at all; they had a great selection of both fresh fruit and veggies.  We bought plump blackberries which my sweet hubby made into jam for us, we got peppers which they fire roasted while we waited, corn to freeze for the winter, beets, string beans, onions, garlic, pears, raw honey, peaches to can and if there was more I don't remember right now.  Across the street they had a beautiful field of Zinnia's, Sunflowers and other flowers.  It was worth the drive for fresh country air and natural beauty.  We most likely will be going back in October for a hayride into the pumpkin field and to bring home some apples.  Good times and really yummy too!  Hope your entry into fall is being blessed as well. 

Little helper having fun

Wow! Look at me grow...

Big helper :)

Until next time....