Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Moving Mountains

Lord you have been so faithful and have brought us so far.  The journey has been long and difficult but you never promised it would be easy.  Thank you for giving us strength, courage and determination. Without you this journey would not be happening, it would still be a desire in our heart.

We have faced so many obstacles, however as author of our lives you already knew that the road would be filled with pain and suffering.  Yet in the midst of it all you continue to bless us and meet us each step of the way.  We give thanks for that.  You know the work that you have begun is not over.  Your timing may not be the same as ours but you are never late.  Please help me rest in your peace as we finish this journey out.  I am desperately trying not to let fear take up space in my being.  It's not because I don't trust you, it's because I feel helpless and so dependent on you. I am weak and I need your strength.

My heart yearns for the daughter that I have only seen and loved through pictures.  It's been hard seeing her change and grow each month without getting to be a part of that.  Waiting for each step to happen that brings us closer to her.  Sometimes steps that took weeks and even months to happen.  I don't know why it's played out this way, however your word says that your ways are higher than mine so with that I submit even though it's not easy.  The flesh can be my own worse enemy.  The heart and head doing battle most days.

I feel panic rising up inside me as our court date nears.  Again more obstacles, spring break, Easter holiday and mid-season rates for airfare.  We are so close to the home stretch.  All I can pretty much think about is holding our daughter for the first time!  Lord we NEED you.  Your word says if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move and it will move.  With that I am shouting MOVE MOUNTAIN!  Praying and hoping for an airfare miracle today. Giving thanks as I believe you for this ahead of time. Multiply the giving. Bless those abundantly who pray and give.

Shower your peace over me today while I wait upon you Lord. All glory be yours.
